Thursday, July 2, 2009

Club Penguin Times- #194

The new Club Penguin Times is out and is talking about all the lastest news, upcoming events and Fan Art! First you have to check out the 101 days of "PHUN" page. It has the days July 2nd-8th. I checked them all and they are all awesome, but when July 8th comes you have to do that one!

Sensei is very excited to teach us his new move at the Ninja Hideout, But there one problem, not everyone is a ninja. Sensei is encouraging all the Non-Ninjas to become one before 3rd of July. He want all the penguins to learn this misterious move!

Most of us Penguins are already a Secret Agent but for them who don't know click the button in the Top Right hand corner with the M. Take the test and recive the Phone. That is how to help us with our missions! (PSA)

Club Penguin Times always has a boring old game but I love it when they do Dot to Dot it makes a picture you can send to a friend in your postcards! Cool right....

Now one last important thing... The New Upcoming Events! 3rd-5th July Sensei wants all Ninjas to report to the Ninja Hideout to learn a new move! July 3rd-August 6th Is the new Penguin Style Catalog. Seems it's going to be a good catalog! July 10th- August 10th The awesome Ruby and The Ruby will be coming out for all those who love the Stage! July 3rd- July 16th The new Hidden Pin will be released!

Pretty cool.....



ghmidorigh said...

1,ooo Hits party is today! Please come!
~ GH Midori GH

amberr=) said...

heyy, i saw you yesterday/today on club penguin. by the way, i would be honored if you come to blog party on chinook at the soccer pitch!